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We've split the light!

Today we had another great workshop! The topic was light and our challenge was to build a cave car for our protagonist Daniel to be able to see what’s in the cave. And we did just that! Once we had programmed very cool colorful lights for our cars, we were able to look and see what was inside the “cave”.

We discussed that there are light sources and objects, which could only be seen when they reflect light. We also learnt that black meant no light and white light was a sum of all colors. We made some cool experiments splitting white light and combining colors to make white light. The optical cube was a big hit!

As always during the break we danced a bit. We are using simple English songs so that not only we move and have fun but also get some exposure to English and build up our vocabulary.

At the beginning of the workshop we had our fist soft skill exercise. It turned out our future Masters couldn’t yet introduce themselves to the group or come up with questions to find out what they had in common or different with their teammates. Now we know what we should practice some more!



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